Take our Nonprofit Needs Survey!

United Way is working to identify additional ways we can support you, our incredible nonprofit community, in the upcoming year and beyond. Our team, committee, and Board of Trustees is currently revisiting our Community Investments model- the various ways we support the community to determine how we can improve partnerships and support, to include, but not limited to, our proposed UWPC Nonprofit Center and other outreach opportunities. We do none of this work alone and we fully recognize that the adjustments we make affect the entire community. We want to work with you to help envision how we can better leverage supports and ensure resources are available and needs are met. LIVE UNITED is much more than a worldwide credo, it is the drive in which we return to because together we can truly accomplish great things.

This survey was designed to help provide a quick snapshot of needs which accompanies numerous conversations and observations over many years, a piece to the picture to make a collective impact for the greater good. 


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